Gold Star Exterminators, provides customers with mosquito fogging as part of their first service when we install the In2Care units. We will then schedule monthly maintenance appointments to service the units after they are installed!

German Cockroach Control Made Easy For New Braunfels Residents
Do you think you have German cockroaches in your New Braunfels home? If so, let us start by saying, we're sorry to hear that. Hopefully, the information we share today will lift your spirits. We're going to dig into some German cockroach facts that are sure to help you understand these roaches better and give you ideas for how to prevent cockroaches in New Braunfels from making your home their home. Before we start, we need to quickly explain the title of this article. There is no easy way to control German cockroaches. It takes work. But we are offering a solution within this article that can make German cockroach control easy; you can have Gold Star Exterminators deal with them. We offer industry-leading pest control in New Braunfels and have a strong track record of dealing with these particularly difficult pests. Navigate to our contact page or give us a call if you need immediate service. If you don't mind doing some work and you want to know more about German cockroaches, read on. We have some helpful information to share with you.

Hidden Insects: Rooting Out Hidden German Cockroaches
The worst of all roach infestations is a German cockroach infestation. These insects have adapted to living with humans and we have exposed them to many materials and harmful food sources. This has only made them stronger. Professionals must carefully select and administer control products to achieve control. German roaches are immune to many materials and some populations are born with bait aversion. Expect a battle if you have these roaches in your home and you're hoping to root them out by using over-the-counter products. Our recommendation is to use all-natural pest management to limit the health risks, stunt population growth, and drive these roaches back into your yard.
- Make sure your kitchen trash has a tight cover to keep roaches out. You may need to temporarily get a special bin to achieve a complete seal. You can open the bin while cooking during the day. Cockroaches are mostly nocturnal. Seal it up after you're done cooking and you'll remove a critical food source for roaches.
- Put stored foods in sealed containers. Cockroaches can chew through cardboard and paper. A sealed container will prevent roaches from getting into your food, keep your food fresh longer, and seal smells inside.
- Clean floors. The food debris that falls to your floors provides meals for roaches.
- Deep clean. Get grease off the sides of your oven, clean up organic matter under your fridge, and get food particles that have gotten into the cracks of your kitchen.
- Clean dishes as you go, or put dirty dishes in soapy water. Roaches will eat leftover food off dishes and utensils, even in your dishwasher.
- Fix plumbing issues. A leaky faucet, garbage disposal, or pipe will provide moisture for cockroaches.
- Address humidity. While German cockroaches are tolerant to dry conditions, they don't prefer them. Use your bathroom fan when you take a shower or bath. Take showers and baths long before bedtime if you can. It will allow moisture to evaporate.
- Clean cluttered spaces. German cockroaches prefer areas with lots of tight spaces and places to hide.
Does all that sound like a lot of work? Well, it is. But that hard work will not only deter cockroaches, it will deter flies, rodents, spiders, and other pests. Doing these things is also better than throwing control products at them and making them stronger. What do we mean? If the German cockroaches in your New Braunfels home don't already have a resistance to the product(s) you use, misapplication can lead to adaptation and make it more difficult (and potentially costly) for a professional to deal with those roaches. All-natural methods naturally encourage roaches to leave. Once most of them are out, seal gaps and cracks in your exterior and remove exterior attractants to keep them out. We'll talk about how to do this in our prevention section below.
Phases Of The German Cockroach Life Cycle
Do you know that cockroaches don't begin life as larvae? They are nymphs when they hatch from their eggs. It is helpful to know this if you're looking to detect German cockroaches in your home. You might see one of these tiny, fast-moving insects. Nymphs have six legs and look like tiny versions of the adults, minus the wings. German cockroach nymphs start out as minuscule insects. Newly hatched nymphs are small enough to fit through the little holes in an electrical outlet.
Another stage of development you should know about has to do with where German cockroaches in New Braunfels keep their eggs. All of the eggs are stored in a pouch called an ootheca. German roaches don't leave oothecae lying around as other roach species do. They carry them. Therefore, you won't find egg pouches until the eggs inside have hatched and all that is left are oothecae casings.
Adult German cockroaches are tan with two small black stripes between the head and the wings. At full size, an adult of this species is ½ to ? of an inch long. While most roaches are generally oval, German roaches are more of an almond shape. It is important to know this stage of development so you can properly identify the species. The methods used to control other cockroaches are different in many ways.
German Cockroach Prevention Tips For New Braunfels Residents
The best way to deal with German cockroaches is to prevent an infestation. Once these roaches get into your home, you will have a hard time eliminating them, even if you know what cockroach pest control products to use and how to apply them effectively.
Here are our best tips for roach prevention.
- Manage exterior trash. A stinky trash receptacle will attract roaches from far away. It is critical to get your trash to the curb each week if you hope to keep your receptacles from stinking. You may also use trash bags with a scent that masks the scent of garbage from roaches and other pests. A third idea is to put a trash lid guard in your receptacle. A guard applies a treatment to your trash that eliminates cockroaches, flies, maggots, and other trash-related pests.
- Pick up dog waste if you have a dog. It is unpleasant to think about but animal and people waste is food for cockroaches.
- Remove leaf litter. Cockroaches love to hide under leaf piles. Leaves create a moist environment and shield cockroaches from the drying effects of the sun.
- Address moisture problems. In general, all cockroaches are attracted to damp and humid conditions. A common problem that invites roach activity is a clogged or broken gutter system. Clogged gutters, combined with dense landscape vegetation, is a recipe for pest infestations.
- Seal cracks and holes. Cockroaches get into your home through entry points that exist. They don't make entry points. If you fill in gaps, cracks, holes, and voids, you can prevent roaches from getting into your home easily.
- Inspect used furniture before bringing items into your home. German cockroaches sometimes hitch rides from one home to another. They commonly get into stored furniture and when that furniture moves to a new home, the roaches move with it. Look for black feces, shed skins, and oothecae casings inside used furniture. These will alert you to the roaches that are hiding in tight space and hidden voids.
Do you see how it works? When you take steps to stop German cockroaches from getting into your home, you lower your chances of dealing with the difficult task of getting rid of German cockroaches in New Braunfels.
Professional German Cockroach Extermination In New Braunfels
It pays to hire a trained and experienced pest professional when dealing with German cockroaches. A professional doesn't just lay down traps and bait. German cockroach control requires a multi-pronged strategy. The technicians at Gold Star Exterminators apply field-tested methods to systematically locate roaches, eliminate them, and evaluate the success of German cockroach treatment plans. Let's break each of these down.
Locate: Every German cockroach control plan starts with an inspection of the interior and exterior. Your technician will look for roach activity, warning signs, conducive conditions, potential routes, entry points, and other critical factors that relate to cockroach control.
Eliminate: Your technician will speak with you about their findings and suggest a treatment plan to eliminate the German cockroaches in your home. The treatment plan will include many products and methods, such as liquid applications, traps, baits, glue boards, exclusion work, and more.
Evaluate: Your technician will return to your home to monitor the success of your treatment plan whether you have a one-time treatment or ongoing service to keep cockroaches and other New Braunfels pests out of your home. During service visits, an inspection is performed, monitoring products are checked, and your treatment is evaluated. Tweaks are made as needed until no roach activity is found.
There is more to German cockroach control, but these three phases help you understand how our technicians take the extra measures required to arrest infestations and keep roaches out. If you have additional questions about cockroach pest control in New Braunfels or you would like to request service, call us or drop us a line on our contact page. The service team at Gold Star Exterminators looks forward to helping you resolve your cockroach infestation.

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